Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bands N' Beans in Lake George NY

Its that time of year! Bands N' Beans is returning to The North Country in upstate New York's Adirondack mountains. The snow is still plentiful, and it was -5 degrees this morning when I left Bolton Landing headed for work in Lake George today!! What a GREAT TIME FOR CHILI!!
Bands N' Beans is a fun-loving event held annually by The Lake George Arts Project as one of their major fundraising events. Proceeds go to support the many free concerts the LGAP host during the summer months in Shepard's Park. Having attended several years of this event I will tell you that no where can you sample such a fantastic array of homemade chili's from literally dozens of restaurants, caterers and private chefs. The concept is great...purchase a ticket to get in and then go from table to table (and back as many times as your belt notches will allow) and fill up on chili ranging from Venison Chili (Yup, one of the outdoor sportsman's clubs hosts that booth) to Vegetarian Chili's. But not to be missed are the live bands that play throughout the entire event! Reggae, Blues, Rock n roll, its all here... so come on...shake off your cold winter chills and get with some chili...bands and beans! Event is March 8th from 2-7 PM.


Anonymous said...

Did you mean March 7th?

Luisa-Director said...

thanks, but actually you are reading our blog from last year! But thanks for the reminder, i will post out a new one now for this year. Yes, event is on Sunday, March 7